Saturday, April 7, 2012

Good Friday Tenebrae Service

 The word ‘tenebrae’ is Latin for shadows. The purpose of the tenebrae service is to recreate the emotional aspects of the passion story. The service was originally designed for Good Friday.

Ted & I attended our first service of this kind at the St Albert Evangelical Lutheran Church and it was impressive.  Scripture was read in chronological order of the events from the Last Supper to the tomb.  A candelabra with seven candles was fully lit after the first song-hymn and then as the story progressed, one candle at a time was extinguished, along with individual lights in the hall.  When the last candle went out, signifying Christ’s death, the whole congregation was left in darkness and silence to sit and reflect for a few moments. . . most effective. The music was done well and at one point (Lamb of God) I had goosebumps running up & down my body.
Kristin did a lovely solo as well.  She had a great voice, and was enjoyed!