Sunday, July 31, 2011

Never a Dull Moment!

Saturday night cont'd . . . Thus the day ended for all . . .  except Lucky Ted.  At 11pm, he heard a scrape outside the hotel window . . .  a car was moving & scraping against our Wingabago trailer!  He jumped to attention, out the doors to see a skinny woman with questionable driving skills still try to park, driving up over the parking block and getting high centered!  The poor flustered lady was soon surrounded by family (wedding guests) who instantly assisted her off the block .  Everyone was profusely apologetic towards Ted.
Now to the damage: the trailer cover sustained a small hole, but the aluminum bike rack did a number on the car’s passenger side and rear fender.  No to mention the antifreeze, etc she lost while high centering! 
Sunday Morning:  Ted & I decided to take the day off.  He was itching to get some serious mountain biking in before leaving Calgary.  I have lots of computer stuff to do, besides keeping Corky company.  The rest opted to going on the rides.